Saturday, December 26, 2009

siblings are the best =]

so in the past few days i have come to the conclusion that siblings are the best.

not always just limited to biological siblings but also my brothers and sisters in Christ.

my biological brother is first of all the best ever. i love him so much. he is so cute. he is six years younger than me. about 1/2 an inch shorter than me. and about five thousand times funnier than me (im not that funny). he can make me laugh so hard at even the littlest things... and we think so much alike that we can pretty much always know what the other is thinking. sometimes when i see him, i still see him as this super cute 4 or 5 year old boy who during the summer would wear a red striped bathing suit, cowboy boots, and a winter jacket and carry around toy guns from the dollar store. but then i have to remember that he isnt that little boy anymore... he is almost 15, totally into hollister, aeropostale, his cell phone, and girls. he is on the basketball team for his high school and his voice is changing. ever since i was "old enough" to wish that he would be older so that we could talk about cooler things and more important things i have been waiting for this time in our lives. a time that i knew was coming and that i was ready for but also was dreading. he has been talking to me about girls for years, but today was the first real conversation that made me think that my little baby brother is gone... we talked about his first kiss. oh my gosh that was strange. he accidentally let it slip that he and his ex girlfriend kissed everyday after school. it totally took me by surprise. he isnt my baby anymore... he is growing up and i dont like it. but anyways... he and i have spent some serious time together this break and he is such a cool kid. it is so cool to see him growing up and to see how much of a nice kid he is. he has jokes like there is no tomorrow. he isnt afraid to hug me in public. and he likes to just be crazy sometimes. but through all of his maturity he is still this crazy, immature little boy who wants to just run around like he is 4 again. tomorrow i think we will honor a tradition of ours... we used to watch the movie "some like it hot" and share mozzerella sticks. i think we will do that tomorrow, just for old times sake. i am so thankful that this little boy came into my life. he and i enjoy each others company, we can both relate with how we feel when we are around family and we can have fun together. i am so thankful he is my brother.

now my other kind of siblings are just as wonderful and i am just as thankful for them. these are the siblings that i have through Christ. these are the friends that i go to in my times of trouble and need and excitement and joy. the other night was a rough night and i was able to see just how much these siblilngs cared for me through their actions. some of my sisters who were worried were texting me and praying. one of my brothers called to make sure i was okay. another of my brothers wouldn't stop texting me, he refused, and yet a few more of my brothers were talking to me online, praying, and fighting my battle with me. these siblings are my best friends. they are willing to do whatever it takes to encourage me and keep me sane. just like my brother can make me laugh these siblings can remind me that in all situations God is good. God is faithful. and God will never leave me. although some of my real family is pretty crazy sometimes i am so glad that God has given me this whole other family in the body of Christ who will love me no matter what, no questions asked.

so to all of my brothers and sisters. i love you all so much. thank you for being there through the thick and the thin. you mean so much to me and God is going to bless you so much for the wonderful things you are doing for Him and for His Kingdom. siblings are the best. =]

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