Tuesday, February 9, 2010

we will be the hopeful

As I am doing research for my independent study class I am just seeing more and more brokeness. It hurts my heart to see some of these things. To know that not only are there teenagers and people out there who are struggling with some of the same things that I have in the past, but to know that they feel alone. To know that they think there isn't any other way to deal with their hurt and their pain. To know that I see some of these people every single day... and what am I doing about it? What are you doing about it? Personally I don't think I am doing a very good job at this part. I am not really doing anything to help the people around me who are hurting. I want to take this off of the page... all of my statistics and quotes and take them and put faces to these stats. Not that I want my friends or anyone to be a part of these statistics, but I know that some of them are anyways and I want to be there to help them. I want to know who is dealing with what so I can know what they need. I want to show them it is okay to have pain, but they don't have to deal with it alone. I want to wipe away their tears and replace them with joy. I want to understand their despair and replace it with hope. Something that my friend Joe and I talk about a lot is honesty. What if we were all a little more honest with each other? What if we stopped hiding behind this mask that everything is fine? I think if we did that, we could show people that it is okay to be broken and when we are broken God usually is able to move the most in our lives. God created us to be in community with each other. God created us to share our lives with one another... somewhere in between heartbreak and shame we lost that. We lost our will to be open and honest. Let's break that mold. Honesty brings healing, healing brings hope. Hope that there are thigns greater than us out there. Hope that we can share with people who can't grasp that fact. Hope is real. Healing is real. Community is real. Let's move for something.

We will be the hopeful.

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