Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy Self Injury Awareness Day

Today is Self Injury Awareness Day.

This day is very important to me.
It is a day to make people aware of the struggle that some face every day. The struggle is as much of an internal battle as it is a physical reality. And although it may seem strange to some, there is something comforting in this act. It is a journey that takes you from a state of pain to a state of numbness; from a state of reality to a state of dreaming that your world is not your own. There is a connection between those who self injure that people cannot understand. It is an understanding. A connection that reminds them that they are not alone in their pain no matter how hidden they keep their life.

Some wonder how it can be possible to inflict pain upon oneself on purpose. Those who deal with this don’t generally see it as pain. It is an escape, a dream, an alternate to reality, a cure, a help, an addiction. There is a vicious cycle that goes through a person’s brain and it becomes a part of who they are. They begin to believe that their secret (or not so secret in some cases) shame is who they are. They let this act define them. There is no separation between the child that God has created perfect in His image and the pain that they feel. It is an intense thing to understand. I have found that when people are at this point it doesn’t matter their social status or job or race. There is a need to find release from the pain that is persistent, this is the most logical choice. But it is exactly that (most of the time). Whether they understand that or not, it is a choice. It is a choice to pick up the blade, flick a lighter, and hold it to their skin waiting for the short lived “pleasure” they know is on the other side. It is a choice. Many who self injure feel as though it is not because the addiction cycle begins to kick in. They crave it. They need it. More and more and more and more. This cycle can be lengthy, meaning people can go months or even years between injuring or it can be short, meaning people can go only merely moments in between.

My heart hurts for those who struggle with this so badly. It is something that is close to my heart and close to my mind. So many I know struggle.

If you are in this cycle, I promise you there is hope. There can be healing and you can overcome this. I promise. You have to remember your worth and that remember that no matter what you are going through in the moment, in the morning it won’t feel nearly as good. There is something so beautiful and healing about the morning. I wrote this line in my journal a few years ago and continue to cling to this promise of morning.

“The sun will rise in the morning bringing hope and healing”

No matter how dark your nights are, there is always daylight just on the other side.

Next time you see someone with their scars, don’t cringe away. They are people too. Their scars tell a story. Their story is important. It is my prayer that people become aware of this. So many people do it and keep it a secret. If you struggle, share your story. Healing comes with sharing. I would love to listen if you need someone to tell.

With hope and peace. You can overcome.
Happy Self Injury Awareness Day

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